Scopus2Orcid - Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile.
Your publications on Scopus may be spread over a number of different Author profiles, because these are generated automatically. In order to create a single profile containing the correct publications, please follow the steps in this wizard. On completion, any changes will also be sent as corrections to Scopus.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) seeks to remedy the systemic name ambiguity problems seen in scholarly research by assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individual's research output. If you have not yet created an ORCID profile, you will be able to do so during the process that follows; alternatively, you can register first at and then import your works from your profile page
Ciarán Quinn, Research Support Librarian & Librarian for the Research Institutes, Maynooth University.
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