Thursday, 5 November 2015

When are journal metrics useful? A balanced call for the contextualized and transparent use of all publication metrics

When are journal metrics useful? A balanced call for the contextualized and transparent use of all publication metrics

The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) has yet to achieve widespread institutional support in the UK. Elizabeth Gadd
digs further into the slow uptake. Although there is growing acceptance
that the Journal Impact Factor is subject to significant limitations,
DORA feels rather negative in tone: an anti-journal metric tirade. There
may be times when a journal metric, sensibly used, is the right tool
for the job. By signing up to DORA, institutions may feel unable to use
metrics at all.

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Research evaluation should be pragmatic, not a choice between peer review and metrics

Responding to the growing momentum of movements, such as DORA and CoARA, Giovanni Abramo argues for a more nuanced balance between the use o...