Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Creating FootNotes using Word & EndNote Web

I've been getting quite a few queries about EndNote Web and FootNotes so here's how to do it.
To create a bibliography with footnotes and a bibliography:
1.From the EndNote Web toolbar in Word choose a bibliographic style by selecting “Format Bibliography.”
2.In Word, position the cursor in your document where you want to insert the reference.
3.From the Word “Insert” menu select “Reference” and “Footnote.”
4.The “Footnote and Endnote” window will open, click “Insert.”
5.From the EndNote Web toolbar select “Find Citations” represented by a magnifying glass icon.
6.Search for the reference you want to cite.
7.Select the reference and click “Insert.”
8.To cite a specific page number, select “Edit Citation” from the EndNote Web toolbar. Select the relevant cited reference and add the page number. Click the “OK” button.

Hope this helps !

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